Some believe in unicorns.

We invest in them.

Startups are becoming a driving force of the economy. So why wait: instead of late-stage investments, it's time to discover and finance young entrepreneurial talents today.

Philanthropy first, venture capital second

We are a venture philanthropy fund investing in super-early-stage, high-potential, newborn teams. Our mission on Earth is to establish a sustainable funding, mentorship and growth model to support young founders. Until 2035, our aim is to encourage the development of a minimum of 15,000 entrepreneurs who generate high value.

Self-sustaining fund

We bring early-stage venture capital and angel investors together with Lithuania’s Junior Achievement students or alumni teams, to create a self-sufficient system. How, you might ask: in the period of 5 years, successful Junicorns startups provide financial support for other upcoming startups. Thus the fund gradually becomes uniquely self-sustaining.

Meet the visionaries

Meet the visionaries

Meet the visionaries

In order to achieve some ambitious goals, we have assembled a team of believers.

Martynas Kandzeras
The board
Martynas Kandzeras

Entrepreneur, Investor

Vladas Lašas

Skubios siuntos (UPS Lithuania) Founder, Innovator, Investor.

Andželika Rusteikienė

CEO of Lithuania Junior Achievement

Greta Monstavičė

Katalista Ventures CEO & Co-Founder

Tomas Moška

Turing College Co-Founder

Milda Mitkutė

Vinted Co-Founder, investor

Marijus Andrijauskas

FIRSTPICK partner, entrepreneur

First portfolio investment

Our sponsors and partners

Every accomplishment is backed by those who initially believed in the idea. We express our gratitude to the contributors.

Become the wind of change

Even a single investment yields long-term monetary return for venture capital and angel investors, while also creating a significant impact for Lithuania's Junior Achievement organization. Once an investor – always an investor, as the contribution circulates in the fund, generating progressively larger funds.

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